A Brief History of LGBTQ Movements

 Social movements, which seek acceptance and rights for LGBTQ people, began in response to centuries of persecution by church, state and medical authorities.

Homosexual activity or deviation from established gender/dress roles was forbidden by law or traditional custom, and those who did so were condemned. This intensified homophobia for centuries, but also made entire populations aware of the existence of a difference. 

Before the scientific and political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, there were few organizations that supported the LGBTQ community, and admitting that you shared that identity, or even speaking out for tolerance and change, put you in danger.

Gradually, activists came together who, thanks to sympathetic medical studies, banned literature, new research on sex, a climate of greater democracy, and the growth of media, began to fight for the human rights of LGBTQ people.

From about the 1870s to the present day there have been homosexual social movements, and by the 20th century a gay and lesbian recognition movement was underway. Despite this there are still many activists whose groups and theories gained weight against homophobia, and discrimination towards homosexual people is still a problem today.


  1. Oh this is so helpful! I was trying to find information on this specific topic and your blog helped me tremendously! Thank you Susan


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